Saturday, November 3, 2012

"I believe I am ready"

It was John F. Kennedy who won the presidential election in 1960, exactly one hundred years after Abe Lincoln had been elected.  In the Nixon-JFK debates, Kennedy’s responses were structured with Lincoln quotations. Moreover, Kennedy compared himself to Lincoln in many ways, referring to both political and personal qualities. "In the election of 1860, Abraham Lincoln said the question was whether this Nation could exist half slave or half free. In the election of 1960, and with the world around us, the question is whether the world will exist half slave or half free, whether it will move in the direction of freedom, in the direction of the road that we are taking, or whether it will move in the direction of slavery".

Nixon tried to emphasize Kennedy’s inexperience and lack of capability to become the President of the United States in order to win the debate and the election. Lincoln’s words seemed to be the perfect weapon for Kennedy to justify and stabilize his status. "The question is of experience and the question also is what our judgment is of the future and what our goals are for the United States and what ability we have to implement those goals. Abraham Lincoln came to the Presidency in 1860 after a rather little known session in the House of Representatives and after being defeated for the Senate in '58, and was a distinguished President. There is no certain road to the Presidency. There are no guarantees that if you take one road or another that you will be a successful President".

Several spooky facts and data came to light after Kennedy’s assassination. Numerology, personal and political life, even reincarnation theories explained the many similarities of the two. For example, few days before their deaths, both Presidents got warning about the assassinations. “DAYS BEFORE his assassination, Lincoln had a PREMONITION of his DEATH in a dream in which he saw himself dead in a coffin in the White House. DAYS BEFORE his assassination, Kennedy was given a PREMONITION of his DEATH from his secretary, Evelyn Lincoln, who said his trip to Dallas could have tragic consequences and urged him not to go”.

Lot more results to be seen:

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