Sunday, October 7, 2012

Obama 2012 Presidential Campaign 'Linc'

At first, I wanted to start my research with 19th century references to Abe Lincoln in presidential campaigns. Then I found a video about an Obama event from 2012 July. So I decided to start my blog research with the most recent presidential campaign. 
Many books and articles have been written about the Obama-Lincoln connection, about the importance of their symbolic roles in US politics. These seemed to be depleted four years ago when caricatures, ads, quotes, and plenty of other illustrations flooded the media, all echoing the sameness of the two. For example in Newsweek, they wrote: It is the season to compare Barack Obama to Abraham Lincoln. Two thin men from rude beginnings, relatively new to Washington but wise to the world, bring the nation together to face a crisis. Both are superb rhetoricians, both geniuses at stagecraft and timing”. However, Obama and his supporters do not give up, and indeed, the source is inexhaustible.
In July, at an Obama event, an Abe Lincoln look-alike showed up cheering with the crowd, smiling at the present president. In response, Obama calls him his "homeboy from Illinois," and few hours later it is in the news. Obama’s campaign was successful in 2008 due to the fact that he dared to use innovative ideas and the Internet, and also thanks to the invocation of Lincoln in many contexts.
They do not want to throw away this great well of opportunities, so the 2012 campaign recycles the images of the previous one. The only problem is that the opponent, Mitt Romney also realized the richness of the allocations, so he too called for Lincoln’s aid in August, 2012. The very same guy dressed up as ‘Honest Abe’ cheering for the Republican candidate.
The two stories mentioned above prove the undeniable presence of Lincoln. Moreover, his invocation is considered to be an ultimate support that paves the road to the White House.

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