Sunday, October 14, 2012

Obama-Lincoln, 2008

Some people would say that in 2008 the Obama-Lincoln connection went to the extremes. Both their political and private lives were compared. Their lack of experience in foreign policy, and the issue of race relations they both had to face were enlarged to mirror the sameness of the two politicians. Of course, Obama was often compared to other presidents like JFK “but Lincoln, more than any of his other predecessors, has provided Obama with the greatest inspirational model of how to lead Americans and how to govern in a time of crisis”. I think the most obvious connection between Obama and Lincoln can be detected in their love of words. If we take a look at the greatest speeches in American history, one of the most significant pieces is the Gettysburg Address. The atmosphere he created by way he spoke, the words he used was not like the ones before. Obama recognized the importance and the power of words too. “Obama's aides have repeatedly referred to him [Lincoln] as his own best speechwriter”. He even used Lincoln’s exact words to create strong emotional atmosphere.
It was not an accident either that in 2007, Barack Obama announced his candidacy in Springfield, Illinois, where Lincoln had lived for more than two decades. "Abraham Lincoln...had his doubts. He had his defeats. He had his setbacks. But through his will and his words, he moved a nation and helped free a people. It is because of the millions who rallied to his cause that we are no longer divided, North and South, slave and free”. These sentences perfectly show how Obama used Lincoln’s legacy to legitimize his own position and achievements from the very beginnings.

Finally, here are some STRANGE Lincoln-Obama Coincidences:
-Abraham Lincoln had no middle name. You’re not allowed to say Barack Obama’s middle name.
-Lincoln was born in KENtucky, Obama was born in KENya – before both moved to Illinois.
-Andrew Johnson nearly lived to the age of 67. Joe Biden nearly had an IQ of 67.
-Lincoln and Obama were both more feminine than Hillary Clinton.

Hope you enjoyed it! Feel free to comment!
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